Bus to Reno, NV

Bus stations and stops in Reno, NV

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

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Frequently asked questions

The best way to buy bus tickets to Reno is through the Greyhound website or the free Greyhound app. With just a few clicks, you can easily book your bus trip and choose your preferred seating. You can pay for your bus to Reno using a variety of payment methods, including debit and credit cards. For more information on payment methods, please visit the payment methods page. Looking for a cheap ticket to Reno? Make sure to book in advance and consider traveling during weekdays and peak-off times to get the best deals!
Going to Reno by bus is easy with Greyhound, with 18 different rides to choose from. You can check the bus schedule once you select your departure city, destination city, and desired trip date.
Not sure about where to catch the bus in Reno? Don't worry, Greyhound has got you covered. We've listed all the stops in Reno on the map on this page.
Buses to Reno start at just $11.99, depending on your starting location. To secure the most budget-friendly options, ensure you book early and consider traveling on weekdays and during off-peak hours for the cheapest deals!
You can use your Greyhound bus ticket to Reno by either presenting the PDF with a QR code when booked online or by accessing it directly in the app if purchased within the app. Simply show your ticket to the bus driver at boarding and they will scan it to validate your travel.
Onboard services available on Greyhound buses to Reno include free Wi-Fi for all passengers, personal power outlets near every seat, reclining leather seats with footrests, extra legroom, overhead storage, an on-board restroom, and eco-friendly technology to reduce impact on the environment.
Greyhound buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts to assist passengers using wheelchairs or mobility scooters. Each bus has space for two passengers with these devices. It's recommended to book your bus ticket to Reno in advance to ensure a spot. If you'd like to transfer to a regular seat, our drivers will stow your device for you. Service animals are also welcome on board our buses. For further details on accessibility and service animal policies, please check this link.
When traveling by bus to Reno with Greyhound, you are allowed to bring one carry-on bag with you (maximum 25 lbs, 16x12x7 inches). The first bag that you store under the bus is free, and if you have a Flexible fare, the second bag stored under the bus is also free. For more information about our luggage policies and how to book extra baggage, please visit our dedicated baggage page.
Yes, you can track your bus to Reno using the Greyhound app or by visiting the bus tracker. This will give you real-time information on the location and status of your bus.
Yes, you can reserve your preferred seat on most of the buses to Reno. All customers will be assigned a seat, but you have the option to choose your preferred one. If available, you’ll see the option when you add the passenger name to your booking. If you’d like to choose your seat, a small fee will be charged and will vary based on the route you are taking. Please visit our guide on seat reservations for more information.

Discover Reno, Nevada

Reno, located in the state of Nevada, is a vibrant city nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Reno offers a unique blend of natural beauty, outdoor adventures, and urban amenities. Situated in western Nevada, Reno is renowned for its lively downtown area, diverse cultural scene, and proximity to the stunning Lake Tahoe. Whether you're seeking outdoor recreation, lively entertainment, or a taste of Nevada's casino culture, Reno has something to offer every visitor.

Why Visit Reno

There are several compelling reasons to visit Reno. Firstly, outdoor enthusiasts will be delighted by the city's proximity to Lake Tahoe, where they can enjoy hiking, skiing, and water sports. Secondly, Reno is renowned for its vibrant arts and culture scene, with numerous galleries, theaters, and music festivals. Additionally, the city offers a wide range of entertainment options, including world-class casinos, live performances, and sporting events. Lastly, Reno's welcoming atmosphere and friendly locals make it an inviting destination for travelers seeking a memorable experience.

Top Attractions in Reno, Nevada

Reno boasts a variety of top attractions that cater to different interests. One must-visit spot is the National Automobile Museum, which showcases a stunning collection of vintage cars. The Nevada Museum of Art is another cultural gem, featuring contemporary and traditional artwork. For outdoor enthusiasts, the Truckee River Walk offers scenic strolls along the river, while the Animal Ark Wildlife Sanctuary provides an opportunity to observe and learn about native wildlife. Additionally, Reno's iconic Arch and the Reno Air Races are noteworthy attractions that showcase the city's unique character.

Getting Around Reno

Getting around Reno is convenient and eco-friendly. The city promotes alternative transportation methods, such as biking, with numerous bike lanes and trails. Visitors can rent bikes from various locations throughout the city. Reno also has a reliable public transportation system, including buses and shuttles, making it easy to navigate the area without a car. These options allow visitors to explore the city's attractions, downtown area, and surrounding neighborhoods while reducing their carbon footprint.

When Visiting Reno

Reno offers distinct advantages throughout the year, depending on the season. In spring, the city comes alive with blooming flowers and milder temperatures, perfect for outdoor activities and enjoying the Truckee River. Summer brings warm weather, making it ideal for water sports on Lake Tahoe and attending outdoor festivals. Autumn showcases beautiful fall foliage in the surrounding mountains, creating a picturesque backdrop for hiking and scenic drives. Finally, in winter, Reno is a gateway to world-class skiing resorts, attracting snow sports enthusiasts from around the globe.

Food and Drinks in Reno

Reno's culinary scene is a delightful mix of flavors. The city is known for its diverse dining options, ranging from upscale restaurants to casual eateries. Visitors can savor delicious farm-to-table cuisine, regional specialties like Basque dishes, and international flavors from around the world. Additionally, Reno boasts a thriving craft beer scene, with numerous breweries offering unique and innovative brews. Don't forget to try the local favorite, the "Reno Mule," a refreshing cocktail that combines vodka, ginger beer, and lime.

Nightlife and Entertainment in Reno

Reno offers a vibrant nightlife and entertainment scene for those seeking evening excitement. The city is famous for its lively casinos, where visitors can try their luck at various table games and slot machines. Many casinos also host live entertainment, including concerts, comedy shows, and dance performances. Additionally, Reno has a thriving music and theater scene, with venues showcasing local and international talent. Whether you're looking for a night of dancing, live music, or a thrilling gaming experience, Reno's nightlife has something for everyone.

Organizing Your Greyhound Bus Journey to Reno?

Look no further! We've compiled all the information you need to schedule your bus trip to Reno! Greyhound serves 4 bus stops in Reno. You can hop on the Greyhound at Reno Downtown (W 5th St), Sparks Transit Center, Reno Amtrak, Reno Airport. Travel costs to Reno can be as low as $11.99. If you're on the hunt for a cheap bus ticket to Reno, remember to book early. Traveling on weekdays or during non-peak hours can also lead you to some of the most budget-friendly fares available! With 18 destinations linked by Greyhound from Reno, you have multiple options to arrange your bus journey.

Why travel to Reno with Greyhound

Travel with Greyhound and you're ensured a comfy seat with power outlets and free access to our Wi-Fi throughout your trip. Keep yourself entertained and online while we take you to your destination! Choose your favorite seat while booking and travel with peace of mind rest easy knowing your ticket covers one carry-on and one checked bag.

How to book your bus ticket to Reno

Booking a ticket with Greyhound is a breeze: on this website or on the free Greyhound App, you can complete your booking in a few clicks. When purchasing your ticket to Reno online, you can choose between different secured online payment methods, such as credit and debit cards. Alternatively, you can pay in cash at a sales point.

Onboard services are subject to availability