Bus to Iowa City, IA
Bus stations and stops in Iowa City, IA
Iowa City
731 S Riverside Dr
Iowa City, IA 52246
United States
Iowa City, IA 52246
United States
View this address on Google Maps
To view more info about this station, visit our page Iowa City
Iowa City (Burlington Trailways)
170 E Court St
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States
View this address on Google Maps
The bus will stop at the Court Street Transportation Center. Follow the station directions to the bus slip.
To view more info about this station, visit our page Iowa City (Burlington Trailways)
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Popular bus trips
Chicago, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Chicago, IL
Iowa City, IA
Naperville, IL
Iowa City, IA
Des Moines, IA
Des Moines, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Minneapolis, MN
Iowa City, IA
Lawton, OK
Phoenix-Tempe, AZ
Iowa City, IA
El Paso, TX
Iowa City, IA
Rochester, MN
Iowa City, IA
Naperville, IL
Iowa City, IA
Columbia, MO
Iowa City, IA
Minneapolis, MN
Iowa City, IA
Dallas, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Houston, TX
Kansas City, MO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Dallas, TX
Iowa City, IA
Davenport, IA
Iowa City, IA
Madison, WI
Iowa City, IA
Phoenix-Tempe, AZ
Milwaukee, WI
Iowa City, IA
Murfreesboro, TN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Springfield, OH
Iowa City, IA
El Cajon, CA
Iowa City, IA
Rock Island, IL
Kerrville, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Cedar Rapids, IA
Iowa City, IA
Waterloo, IA
Albany, NY
Iowa City, IA
Champaign, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
St Louis, MO
Iowa City, IA
Kansas City, MO
Iowa City, IA
Gary, IN
North Charleston, SC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Tulsa, OK
South Bend, IN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Pittsburgh, PA
Iowa City, IA
Durham, NC
Iowa City, IA
Fresno, CA
Iowa City, IA
Vail, CO
Chicago 95th & Dan Ryan, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Saint Cloud, MN
Las Vegas, NV
Iowa City, IA
Williams, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
West Burlington, IA
Washington, D.C.
Iowa City, IA
Calexico, CA
Iowa City, IA
Saint Paul, MN
Iowa City, IA
Youngstown, OH
Iowa City, IA
St Louis, MO
Iowa City, IA
Stroudsburg, PA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Grand Rapids, MI
Iowa City, IA
Chicago 95th & Dan Ryan, IL
Harlingen, TX
Iowa City, IA
Troy, MO
Iowa City, IA
Bangor, ME
Iowa City, IA
Ames, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Champaign, IL
Iowa City, IA
Austin, TX
Rochelle, IL
Iowa City, IA
Clear Lake, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Searcy, AR
Iowa City, IA
Nashville, TN
Iowa City, IA
Raleigh, NC
Austin, TX
Iowa City, IA
Colorado Springs, CO
Iowa City, IA
Waterloo, IA
Iowa City, IA
Madison, WI
Iowa City, IA
Morgan City, LA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Bangor, ME
Paducah, KY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Cookeville, TN
Atlanta, GA
Iowa City, IA
Naples, FL
Iowa City, IA
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Duluth, MN
Newark, NJ
Iowa City, IA
Peoria, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Bloomington, IN
Iola, KS
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Miami, FL
Iowa City, IA
Evansville, IN
Boston, MA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Ann Arbor, MI
Baton Rouge, LA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Grand Island, NE
Los Angeles, CA
Iowa City, IA
Brownsville, TX
Iowa City, IA
London, ON
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Morgan City, LA
Iowa City, IA
Monterrey, MX
Grand Island, NE
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Keokuk, IA
Iowa City, IA
Cleveland, OH
Iowa City, IA
Orlando, FL
Iowa City, IA
New York, NY
Evergreen, AL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Saint Paul, MN
Iowa City, IA
Rapid City, SD
Iowa City, IA
Monroe, NC
Iowa City, IA
Hartford, CT
Iowa City, IA
Laredo, TX
Iowa City, IA
Seattle, WA
Ann Arbor, MI
Iowa City, IA
Sheridan, WY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
London, ON
Omaha, NE
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Ames, IA
Iowa City, IA
Lafayette, IN
Iowa City, IA
Baltimore, MD
Iowa City, IA
Las Vegas, NV
Iowa City, IA
Lawrence, KS
Brook Park, OH
Iowa City, IA
Akron, OH
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Jackson, MI
La Crosse, WI
Iowa City, IA
Detroit, MI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Auburn, AL
Effingham, IL
Iowa City, IA
Wildwood, GA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Clarinda, IA
Wichita, KS
Iowa City, IA
Laredo, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Colorado Springs, CO
Iowa City, IA
Lamoni, IA
Lansing, MI
Iowa City, IA
Cedar Rapids, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Dayton, OH
Topeka, KS
Iowa City, IA
Kearney, NE
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Silver Spring, MD
Dixon, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Junction City, KS
Atlantic City, NJ
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Washington, D.C.
Iowa City, IA
Manhattan, KS
Columbia, SC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Oklahoma City, OK
Iowa City, IA
San Jose, CA
Monterrey, MX
Iowa City, IA
Philadelphia, PA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Canton, OH
Iowa City, IA
Mesa, AZ
Saint Cloud, MN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Beaumont, TX
Iowa City, IA
Tuscaloosa, AL
Iowa City, IA
Mount Pleasant, IA
Iowa City, IA
Anniston, AL
Iowa City, IA
Panama City, FL
San Antonio, TX
Iowa City, IA
Kansas City, KS
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Peru, IL
Albuquerque, NM
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Reynosa, MX
Fort Worth, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wildwood, GA
Fort Dodge, IA
Iowa City, IA
Manhattan, KS
Iowa City, IA
Orlando, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Springfield, MO
Shreveport, LA
Iowa City, IA
Laurinburg, NC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Albany, NY
Iowa City, IA
State College, PA
Grand Forks, ND
Iowa City, IA
Dubuque, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Manchester, NH
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Ciudad Juarez, MX
Gary, IN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Fort Wayne, IN
Iowa City, IA
Muncie, IN
Green Bay, WI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
San Diego, CA
Jackson, MS
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Sioux Falls, SD
Mcallen, TX
Iowa City, IA
Keokuk, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Clear Lake, IA
Iowa City, IA
Osceola, IA
Burnsville, MN
Iowa City, IA
Oklahoma City, OK
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wichita, KS
Lexington, KY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Terre Haute, IN
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wheeling, WV
Cincinnati, OH
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Birmingham, AL
Amarillo, TX
Iowa City, IA
West Burlington, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Effingham, IL
Iowa City, IA
Brainerd, MN
Iowa City, IA
Marysville, OH
Iowa City, IA
Ontario / Montclair / Claremont, CA
Iowa City, IA
Troy, MO
Iowa City, IA
Winona, MN
Tulsa, OK
Iowa City, IA
New York, NY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Sacramento, CA
Huntsville, AL
Iowa City, IA
New Orleans, LA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Seminole, TX
Southfield, MI
Iowa City, IA
Joplin, MO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Saranac Lake, NY
Peru, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Milwaukee, WI
Battle Creek, MI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Fort Madison, IA
Rock Island, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Rochester, MN
Buffalo, NY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Louisville, KY
Iowa City, IA
Sheboygan, WI
Moses Lake, WA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Elgin, IL
Miami, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Dixon, IL
Iowa City, IA
Fargo, ND
Eau Claire, WI
Iowa City, IA
Nashville, TN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Sandusky, OH
Iowa City, IA
Columbia, MO
Iowa City, IA
Lexington, NE
Charlotte, NC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Topeka, KS
Iowa City, IA
Lincoln, NE
Iowa City, IA
Philadelphia, PA
Iowa City, IA
Denver, CO
Iowa City, IA
Mcallen, TX
Iowa City, IA
Dubuque, IA
Iowa City, IA
Boston, MA
Iowa City, IA
Augusta, GA
Iowa City, IA
Quincy, IL
Sioux Falls, SD
Iowa City, IA
Cleveland, OH
Iowa City, IA
Toronto, ON
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Billings, MT
Iowa City, IA
Benton Harbor, MI
Searcy, AR
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
San Antonio, TX
Iowa City, IA
Jonesboro, AR
Iowa City, IA
Lexington, KY
Louisville, KY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Green Bay, WI
Iowa City, IA
Kokomo, IN
Belle Glade, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Clinton, MO
Clarinda, IA
Iowa City, IA
Brookings, SD
Iowa City, IA
Aberdeen, SD
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Lafayette, LA
Iowa City, IA
Joplin, MO
Mckinney, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Shreveport, LA
Iowa City, IA
Battle Creek, MI
Iowa City, IA
Lakeland, FL
Silver Spring, MD
Iowa City, IA
Fort Collins, CO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Waco, TX
Moline, IL
Iowa City, IA
Canton, OH
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Akron, OH
Iowa City, IA
Eugene, OR
Iowa City, IA
Sioux City, IA
Quincy, IL
Iowa City, IA
Portland, OR
Iowa City, IA
Lafayette, LA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Morgantown, WV
Bloomington, IL
Iowa City, IA
Danville, IL
Iowa City, IA
Jonesboro, AR
Iowa City, IA
London, KY
Iowa City, IA
Springfield, MO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
South Bend, IN
Gainesville, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Denton, TX
Iowa City, IA
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Iowa City, IA
Salt Lake City, UT
Iowa City, IA
Galesburg, IL
Lawrence, KS
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Kearney, NE
Iowa City, IA
Hackensack, MN
Iowa City, IA
Toronto, ON
Raleigh, NC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Burnsville, MN
Iowa City, IA
Portland, ME
Grinnell, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Buffalo, NY
Bloomington, IN
Iowa City, IA
Sioux City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Hannibal, MO
Tulare, CA
Iowa City, IA
Baltimore, MD
Iowa City, IA
Fort Wayne, IN
Iowa City, IA
Benton Harbor, MI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Aiken, SC
Merrillville, IN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Savannah, GA
Iowa City, IA
Memphis, TN
Fresno, CA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Charlotte, NC
Greenville, SC
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Youngstown, OH
Iowa City, IA
Shenandoah, IA
Killeen, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Killeen, TX
Iowa City, IA
Los Angeles, CA
Iowa City, IA
Knoxville, TN
Lafayette, IN
Iowa City, IA
Boise, ID
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Plano, TX
Iowa City, IA
Tampa, FL
Iowa City, IA
Tupelo, MS
Iowa City, IA
Spokane, WA
Springfield, OH
Iowa City, IA
Evansville, IN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Jefferson City, MO
Iowa City, IA
Atlanta, GA
Dayton, OH
Iowa City, IA
Dekalb, IL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wooster, OH
Jacksonville, FL
Iowa City, IA
Flint, MI
Iowa City, IA
Ogallala, NE
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Worcester, MA
Iowa City, IA
Fort Collins, CO
Greeneville, TN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Albuquerque, NM
Grand Rapids, MI
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iola, KS
Duluth, MN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Columbus, OH
Richmond, VA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Jacksonville, FL
Iowa City, IA
Kansas City, KS
Memphis, TN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
New Orleans, LA
Jackson, MI
Iowa City, IA
Hannibal, MO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
La Crosse, WI
Nuevo Laredo, MX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Springfield, IL
Iowa City, IA
Grinnell, IA
Iowa City, IA
Carbondale, IL
Iowa City, IA
Cleveland, MS
Iowa City, IA
Grand Forks, ND
Lincoln, NE
Iowa City, IA
Lufkin, TX
Iowa City, IA
Norfolk-Virginia Beach, VA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Peoria, IL
Iowa City, IA
Owatonna, MN
Iowa City, IA
Mckinney, TX
Iowa City, IA
Cincinnati, OH
Belzoni, MS
Iowa City, IA
Tucson, AZ
Iowa City, IA
Salt Lake City, UT
Iowa City, IA
Davenport, IA
Iowa City, IA
Bakersfield, CA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Richmond, VA
Van Buren, AR
Iowa City, IA
Carbondale, IL
Iowa City, IA
Toledo, OH
Iowa City, IA
Seattle, WA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Bloomington, IL
Iowa City, IA
Baton Rouge, LA
Fayetteville, AR
Iowa City, IA
Marshall, MN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Indianapolis, IN
Iowa City, IA
Moline, IL
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Asheville, NC
Iowa City, IA
Merrillville, IN
Fort Madison, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
El Paso, TX
Springfield, IL
Iowa City, IA
Salina, KS
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Rochelle, IL
Iowa City, IA
Eau Claire, WI
Iowa City, IA
North Charleston, SC
Iowa City, IA
Omaha, NE
Iowa City, IA
Wilmington, NC
Iowa City, IA
Norfolk, NE
Deming, NM
Iowa City, IA
Rapid City, SD
Iowa City, IA
Denver, CO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Norfolk-Virginia Beach, VA
Iowa City, IA
Erie, PA
Shenandoah, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Biloxi, MS
Savannah, GA
Iowa City, IA
Fargo, ND
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Iowa City, IA
Detroit, MI
Billings, MT
Iowa City, IA
Junction City, KS
Iowa City, IA
Jefferson City, MO
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Toledo, OH
Yakima, WA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Newark, NJ
Kalamazoo, MI
Iowa City, IA
Indianapolis, IN
Iowa City, IA
San Diego, CA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Rockford, IL
Tallahassee, FL
Iowa City, IA
Knoxville, TN
Iowa City, IA
Winston-Salem, NC
Iowa City, IA
West Palm Beach, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Dekalb, IL
Houston, TX
Iowa City, IA
Pittsburgh, PA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Fort Worth, TX
Iowa City, IA
Kalamazoo, MI
Columbus, OH
Iowa City, IA
Mount Pleasant, IA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Manitowoc, WI
Cookeville, TN
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Boise, ID
Minot, ND
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Calexico, CA
Iowa City, IA
Rockingham, NC
Iowa City, IA
Aberdeen, SD
Iowa City, IA
Fremont, NE
Iowa City, IA
Wilson, NC
Iowa City, IA
Thomasville, GA
Livingston, TX
Iowa City, IA
Sheboygan, WI
Iowa City, IA
Jackson, WY
Iowa City, IA
Roanoke, VA
Iowa City, IA
Brattleboro, VT
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Texarkana, TX
Longview, TX
Iowa City, IA
Macon, GA
Iowa City, IA
Fort Myers, FL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Livingston, TX
Nacogdoches, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Providence, RI
St. Petersburg, FL
Iowa City, IA
Fort Pierce, FL
Iowa City, IA
Plano, TX
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Mansfield, OH
Iowa City, IA
Fort Myers, FL
Cheyenne, WY
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Victorville, CA
Midland, TX
Iowa City, IA
Tuscaloosa, AL
Iowa City, IA
Fayetteville, NC
Iowa City, IA
Auburn, AL
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Tacoma, WA
Iowa City, IA
Marshall, TX
Perry, OK
Iowa City, IA
Woodbridge, VA
Iowa City, IA
Iowa City, IA
Kettle Falls, WA
Iowa City, IA
Brook Park, OH
Aransas Pass, TX
Iowa City, IA
Marshall, TX
Iowa City, IA
Benson, AZ
Iowa City, IA
Waxahachie, TX
Iowa City, IA
Directly reachable cities
25 |
Number of bus stops
2 |
United States |
Frequently asked questions
How can I travel to Iowa City with Greyhound?
How do I book a Greyhound bus to Iowa City?
How many Greyhound bus stations are there in Iowa City?
How much does the bus to Iowa City cost?
How do I use my Greyhound bus ticket to travel to Iowa City?
How do I track my Greyhound bus to Iowa City?
Can I reserve a seat on my Greyhound bus to Iowa City?
How much baggage can I bring on the Greyhound bus to Iowa City?
What facilities does Greyhound provide for passengers with reduced mobility and service animals?
What onboard services are available on the Greyhound bus to Iowa City?
Which destinations can I reach from Iowa City?
Discover Iowa City, Iowa: A Vibrant City in North America
Iowa City, located in the state of Iowa, is a vibrant city in North America. Iowa City is known for its rich history, cultural attractions, and thriving community. Situated in the heart of the Midwest, this city offers a unique blend of small-town charm and urban amenities.
Why visit Iowa City?
There are several compelling reasons to visit Iowa City. Firstly, it is home to the University of Iowa, renowned for its academic excellence and cultural contributions. Visitors can explore the campus, attend sporting events, or enjoy art exhibitions. Secondly, Iowa City boasts a diverse culinary scene, with numerous farm-to-table restaurants and local breweries. Lastly, the city's vibrant arts and music scene, including events like the Iowa Arts Festival, make it an attractive destination for culture enthusiasts.
Top Attractions Iowa City
Iowa City offers a range of top attractions. The Old Capitol Museum, a National Historic Landmark, provides insight into the city's history and hosts various exhibits. The Iowa Avenue Literary Walk showcases renowned authors associated with the city. Additionally, the Pedestrian Mall is a bustling hub featuring shops, galleries, and street performances. Nature lovers can explore the nearby Terry Trueblood Recreation Area, offering scenic trails and recreational activities.
Getting around Iowa City
Getting around Iowa City is easy with its bike-friendly infrastructure and efficient public transportation system. Visitors can rent bikes to explore the city's numerous trails and bike lanes. The local bus service provides convenient transportation to various attractions and neighborhoods, ensuring easy access for tourists. Emphasizing sustainable travel, Iowa City encourages visitors to utilize bikes and public transport, reducing reliance on cars.
When to visit Iowa City
Iowa City offers unique experiences throughout the year. In spring, visitors can enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms and attend outdoor festivals like the Iowa Arts Festival. Summer brings vibrant farmers' markets, outdoor concerts, and opportunities for water activities on the nearby Iowa River. Autumn showcases the city's stunning foliage, while winter invites visitors to explore the local ice skating rinks and enjoy cozy winter events like the WinterFest.
Food and Drinks in Iowa City
Iowa City boasts a diverse culinary scene that celebrates local flavors. From farm-fresh ingredients to international cuisine, the city offers a range of dining options. Visitors can savor Iowa's famous corn-fed beef, indulge in Midwestern comfort food, or explore the thriving vegetarian and vegan scene. Additionally, Iowa City is home to craft breweries, where visitors can sample unique local beers and experience the region's brewing culture.
Nightlife and Entertainment in Iowa City
Iowa City's entertainment scene caters to diverse interests. The city's downtown area is brimming with lively bars, live music venues, and theaters. Visitors can enjoy live performances at the Englert Theatre or catch a concert at venues like Gabe's or The Mill. The city also hosts a variety of cultural events, including film festivals, art exhibitions, and literary readings, ensuring there is always something exciting happening in Iowa City.
Searching for Greyhound Bus Tickets to Iowa City?
Your search ends here! Find all the information you need to book your bus trip to Iowa City! Iowa City hosts 2 Greyhound bus stops. You can find the Greyhound at Iowa City, Iowa City (Burlington Trailways). The fare for traveling to Iowa City starts at just $22.99. If you're on the hunt for a cheap ticket to Iowa City, remember to book early. Traveling on weekdays or during non-peak hours can also lead you to some of the most budget-friendly fares available! Greyhound connects Iowa City to 25 destinations, providing ample options for your bus trip.Why travel to Iowa City with Greyhound
With Greyhound, enjoy a comfortable seat and complimentary Wi-Fi on your journey. Stay engaged and online as we take you to your destination! Enjoy a comfy trip to Iowa City with our onboard facilities like free Wi-Fi and power outlets. Choose your favorite seat while booking and travel with peace of mind rest easy knowing your ticket covers one carry-on and one checked bag.
How to book your bus ticket to Iowa City
Booking a ticket with Greyhound is a breeze: on this website or on the free Greyhound App, you can complete your booking in a few clicks. When purchasing your ticket to Iowa City online, you can choose between different secured online payment methods, such as credit and debit cards. Alternatively, you can pay in cash at a sales point.Discover more destinations
- Chicago, IL
- St Louis, MO
- Omaha, NE
- Des Moines, IA
- Gary, IN
- Davenport, IA
- Cedar Rapids, IA
- Moline, IL
- Naperville, IL
- Waterloo, IA
- Dekalb, IL
- Peru, IL
- Mount Pleasant, IA
- Quincy, IL
- Grinnell, IA
- Rock Island, IL
- Rochelle, IL
- West Burlington, IA
- Hannibal, MO
- Dixon, IL
- Los Angeles, CA - Las Vegas, NV
- Boston, MA - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Boston, MA
- New York, NY - Altoona, PA
- Washington, D.C. - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Washington, D.C.
- New York, NY - Philadelphia, PA
- Philadelphia, PA - New York, NY
- Atlanta, GA - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Atlanta, GA
- Las Vegas, NV - Los Angeles, CA
- Dallas, TX - Houston, TX
- Houston, TX - Dallas, TX
- Montreal, QC - New York, NY
- Baltimore, MD - New York, NY
- Toronto, ON - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Baltimore, MD
- New York, NY - Toronto, ON
- New York, NY - Atlantic City, NJ
- New York, NY - Montreal, QC
Onboard services are subject to availability