Bus from Brainerd, MN to Albert Lea, MN

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Bus stations and stops in Brainerd, MN

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

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Frequently asked questions

Onboard services available on Greyhound buses from Brainerd to Albert Lea include free Wi-Fi for all passengers, personal power outlets near every seat, reclining leather seats with footrests, extra legroom, overhead storage, and an on-board restroom.
Yes, on this website you can book both Greyhound and FlixBus tickets from Brainerd to Albert Lea. You can check both the Greyhound and FlixBus ride schedules once you select your departure city, destination city, and desired trip date.
The last Greyhound bus to Albert Lea from Brainerd leaves at 2:30 pm.
Traveling by bus from Brainerd to Albert Lea with Greyhound is a convenient and environmentally responsible choice, as bus travel reduces traffic and emissions compared to traveling by car.
The bus trip from Brainerd to Albert Lea is about 234 miles long. The quickest trip with Greyhound takes 5 hours 30 minutes.
The Brainerd to Albert Lea bus starts from $97.99. Booking in advance, whether on the app or website, is the best way to get the most affordable bus travel. If you book online, you can choose to pay with a debit card or credit card on the Greyhound app or website. If you prefer, you can also pay in person with cash.
Greyhound runs up to 1 ride per day from Brainerd to Albert Lea. You can search for your preferred departure date and check the schedule using the search bar above.
Greyhound buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts to assist passengers using wheelchairs or mobility scooters. Each bus has space for two passengers with these devices. It's recommended to book your bus from Brainerd to Albert Lea in advance to ensure a spot. If you'd like to transfer to a regular seat, our drivers will stow your device for you. Service animals are also welcome on board our buses. For further details on accessibility and service animal policies, please check this link.
You can easily find the bus stops in Brainerd and in Albert Lea on this page: check the address and their location on the map!
You can track the status of your Brainerd to Albert Lea bus using Greyhound's bus tracker. With this tool, you can see the real-time location of your bus and get updates on its departure and arrival times.
When traveling on the bus from Brainerd to Albert Lea with Greyhound, you can bring one carry-on bag with you (maximum 25 lbs, 16x12x7 inches). You can store one bag under the bus for free, and if you have a Flexible fare, the second bag stored under the bus is also free. You can also carry additional or bulky baggage for a supplementary charge. You can reserve extra baggage while booking your ticket on our website or app. Alternatively, you can add bulky items later through the 'Manage My Booking' section. If your departure is from a location with Greyhound personnel, you can book and pay for your extra luggage there. For more information, please refer to our baggage policy page here.
The first Greyhound bus to Albert Lea from Brainerd leaves at 2:30 pm.

Planning Your Greyhound Bus Trip from Brainerd to Albert Lea?

The journey from Brainerd to Albert Lea can take as little as 5 hours 30 minutes and starts from as little as $97.99. The earliest bus leaves at 2:30 pm. Greyhound provides daily buses Brainerd to Albert Lea from Brainerd to Albert Lea. Travel with Greyhound and enjoy complimentary Wifi, access to power sockets, and a comfortable seat throughout your trip. Don't miss any updates on your bus trip: stay informed with our real-time bus tracker and check the status of your ride to Albert Lea in seconds.

How to Book Your Bus Ticket to Albert Lea from Brainerd

With Greyhound, reserving a ticket for your bus trip is a breeze. You can easily complete your booking on this website or through the free Greyhound App, all within a few simple clicks. You will have a variety of rides to choose from, as on many of our routes you will be offered both Greyhound and FlixBus bus rides, so you can choose the option that best fits your schedule. When booking your ticket from Brainerd to Albert Lea, you have a range of secure online payment options at your disposal, including both debit and credit cards. If you prefer, cash payments are also accepted at various sales points. If you're on the hunt for a cheap ticket to Albert Lea, remember to book early. Traveling on weekdays or during non-peak hours can also lead you to some of the most budget-friendly fares available!

Onboard services are subject to availability