Greyhound bus stop: University of South Florida in Tampa, FL

Location and direction details to bus station

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

University of South Florida

USF Holly Drive at Lot 3D
Tampa, FL 33620

Bus will stop at the Fine Arts Bull Runner stop on Holly Drive at the University of South Florida. USF requires parking permits while parked on campus. Visit for more information on purchasing parking during your visit.
DUE TO CAMPUS CLOSURES FROM HURRICANE IDALIA, bus will stop at Tampa (Downtown) on 8/29 and 8/30 instead of USF. Buses will NOT stop at USF campus. Downtown stop is located at the corner of N Marion & E Scott Sts, Tampa, FL 33602.
(800) 231-2222

Onboard services are subject to availability