Greyhound bus stop: Reno Downtown (W 5th St) in Reno, NV

Location and direction details to bus station

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

Reno Downtown (W 5th St)

Silver Legacy Bus Stop, W 5th St
Reno/Sparks, NV 89503

Bus will board in front of Silver Legacy casino, on the yellow curbside on W 5th St located under the skybridge.
Temporary Stop Location Change: From 6:00 AM PST to 1:00 PM PST on July 22nd, bus will board at the bus cut out on the north side of W 5th St, in front of the Circus Reno Sky Tower Parking Garage. Stop is marked by a “No Parking Bus Stop” sign.
(800) 231-2222

Onboard services are subject to availability