Greyhound bus stop: Tempe (University/Rural) in Phoenix-Tempe, AZ

Location and direction details to bus station

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

Tempe (University Dr/Rural Rd)

E Tyler St
Phoenix-Tempe, AZ 85281

Bus will board across from the University Dr/Rural Rd light rail station, at the bus bay on the southside of E Tyler St. and east of the Parking Structure.
RIDER ALERT: For all stops from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, bus will board at the University/Rural Transit Center, inside of the main bus bay area. FlixBus will utilize available space on the east side of the transit center. All stops after 5 p.m. will return to curbside stop locat
(800) 231-2222

Onboard services are subject to availability