Greyhound bus stop: Palm Springs Downtown in Palm Springs / Indio / Coachella Valley, CA

Location and direction details to bus station

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

Palm Springs Downtown

Palm Canyon at Baristo
Palm Springs-Indio-Coachella Valley, CA 92262

Bus will board at the SunLine bus stop at Palm Canyon and Baristo (look for the bus bench and FlixBus sign). The stop is located near the Orangetheory and BevMo.
STOP LOCATION CHANGE: Effective 2:00 AM PT on January 13, 2022, stop will move to the SunLine bus stop at Palm Canyon and Baristo (look for the bus bench and FlixBus sign). The stop is located by 301 S Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262, near the Orangetheory and BevMo. /// Coordinates: 33.81901
(800) 231-2222

Onboard services are subject to availability