Ticket Exchanges and Refunds

Need to cancel your trip or travel another day? Here's how to change your tickets if you change your plans.


Plans changed? No problem. You can easily change your ticket up to 15 minutes before the departure time. 

How to exchange your ticket 

Log into Manage My Booking with your booking number (found on your email confirmation) and the email address you used to purchase your ticket. You can instantly cancel/refund your ticket and use the remaining value towards your new ticket. See our cancellation policy

Other things you need to know  

Extras: Note that any extras you previously purchased such as seat reservations or extra baggage will not be automatically transferred to the new trip. The price of these will be applied as a credit to the new ticket and refunded as a voucher when applicable. 


You can cancel your ticket up to 15 minutes prior to departure and instantly get a refund in the form of a voucher which you can use on a future trip. Check our our cancellation policy here.   

How to cancel your ticket 

Log in to Manage My Booking with your booking number (found on your email confirmation) and the email address you used to purchase your ticket. Complete the cancelation. 

You will receive your voucher via email. 

Refunds due to delayed service

We’re sorry if you didn’t reach your destination on time. We send trip delay updates via text (provided a mobile number was entered when booking) as soon as we know about the delay.  

If your bus was delayed by 120 minutes or more on departure, you can request a refund for the price of the ticket. Contact us and fill out the request. Our agents will review your case and get back to you as soon as possible. 

Purchased a Flexible Fare ticket prior to February 22, 2023? 

Customers who purchased a Flexible Fare ticket prior to those fares being discontinued may still request a refund. 

Submit a refund request to our customer service team, provide the details of the Flexible Fare ticket and they will handle the refund.